About the Founders

Honouring Grant Soosalu’s Legacy of our multiple brains

About the Founders

Marvin Oka

Marvin is a highly sought after international consultant and key-note speaker specializing in leading edge behavioral change technologies and research. Recognized as a world leader and authority in his field, Marvin has built an impressive track record helping organizations with strategic, systemic and cultural change. Marvin’s clients range from private enterprises to government agencies throughout the world.Marvin’s professional background is in the innovative and groundbreaking field of Behavioral Modeling. This exciting field examines various forms of human talent, ability and expertise, and then seeks to create models and methods to replicate these forms of superior performance in others.

Marvin is one of only five people in the world who have been recognized by his peers with the rare title of ‘Certified Master Behavioral Modeler’. Additionally Marvin was one of the first five people to achieve the accredited status of a ‘Certified NLP Master Trainer’ in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and at that time was the youngest ever to have reached this level of professional competency.

Born in Honolulu, Hawaii and now living in Australia, Marvin is one of the founding Directors and is on the board of the International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA) based in Washington, DC, with representation in over 42 countries worldwide. Marvin is currently the Executive Director of Behavioural Modelling Research Pty Ltd.

Grant Soosalu (1959-2019)

Grant was an international leadership consultant, trainer and writer with backgrounds and expertise in Organisational Change, Coaching, Training and Leadership Development. He had an advanced degrees and certifications in Psychology, Positive Psychology, Applied Physics, Computer Engineering and System Development. He was a qualified Total Quality Management (TQM) Trainer, and had achieved Master Practitioner Certification in the behavioral sciences of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Advanced Behavioral Modeling. Grant was awarded a Graduate Coaching Diploma in the newly emerging field of Authentic Happiness Coaching.

Grant had wide ranging expertise and experience in the educational sector as a Lecturer, Coach, Training Developer, Instructional Designer and Facilitator. He also had extensive backgrounds in Business Development, Senior Technical Consulting and Project Management. Grant provided coaching and mentoring to CEO’s and Senior Executives around the world.

Before his passing, Grant was a Consultant Lecturer at a leading Australian University where he ran workshops and programs on Social Media Marketing and the applications of Positive Psychology to Conflict Resolution, Risk Management and Organizational Change. Grant also had a successful consulting company providing services to organizations predominantly in the finance sector.

Grant published articles and papers in International Journals, in the fields of Leadership, Coaching, Philosophy, Applied Physics and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

  • You can read Grant's blog here
  • And check out Grant's book on Happiness here

Aligning the three brains

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About mBIT

mBraining is a neuroscience-based coaching field that aligns the intelligence of the head, heart and gut. Through simple yet powerful techniques, mBIT coaching can help us find more calm, clarity and strength in our choices, both in life and at work!

Taking NLP to new levels...

mBIT takes NLP to new levels -- it takes up where NLP left off -- when the developers of NLP decided to throw out the two senses (OG) of Olfactory and Gustatory from the VAKOG sensory 5-tuple, they accidentally threw out the intelligence of two of our 3 key neural networks. NLP LOST the power and intelligence of the heart and gut brains!​

Integrating the three brains...

Now mBIT reclaims and integrates these powerful brains to bring more wisdom to the behavioral technology of NLP. mBIT provides tools to communicate with the head, heart and gut brains and to align and integrate them.

The insight of neuro-linguistics..

If you've ever 'lost heart', been 'gutted', had a powerful gut reaction, or experienced deep intuitive messages from your heart, then you'll immediately recognize just how pervasive the intelligence and impacts of our multiple brains can be. The fields of Neuro-Linguistics and Cognitive-Linguistics have both shown that metaphor and meaning are deeply embodied. Now mBIT allows you to unlock the process of embodiment at a neurological level.

Core competencies...

The new field of mBIT and the 'text book' for the field -- mBraining -- unlocks and explores the core competencies of your multiple brains with powerful techniques to quickly align your brains via their highest expressions and generate more wisdom and success in life.

Generative wisdom...

Generative wisdom requires all three of your brains to be engaged at their highest levels of expression. Wisdom is not generative if it’s not creative, compassionate and courageous. mBIT provides tools for tapping into the deep intuitive wisdom of your gut brain, aligning that with the creative insights of your head brain and tempering it all with powerful heart intelligence.

Coaching success!

mBIT and mBraining take Coaching into whole new realms, whether it be Life Coaching, Performance Coaching, Executive Coaching or Sports Coaching. Understanding how people use their heart and gut intelligences to either limit themselves or empower themselves via dreams, motivations and core identity is crucial to real coaching success. This is the power of mBIT -- to harness and align the intelligence of all the multiple brains for happiness and success!

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What does mBIT mean?

mBIT is short for multiple Brain Integration techniques and signifies the suite of coaching techniques developed to align the three intelligences of the head, heart and gut.

What types of situations can mBIT coaching be used for?

mBIT coaching can work as a standalone coaching technique and it can also work as a supplement to a number of other technique for coaching and therapy. mBIT coaching is ideal for people who want to make breakthroughs in changing habits or patterns, making change in their life, and who want to do so with alignment and congruence.

Can mBIT coaching be applied in corporate settings?

Yes, mBIT coaching can be beneficial in corporate environments by enhancing leadership skills, team dynamics, and decision-making processes.

How do I become an mBIT Coach?

The mBIT Coach certification is a four day intensive training program, culminating in a certification exercise where you coach the whole mBIT process with a coachee. There are mBIT Trainers on every continent who run certification courses on a regular basis. To find the next course in your area, check out the Events section.

Can mBraining or mBIT coaching be done remotely?

Yes, mBraining and mBIT coaching can be conducted remotely through video calls and there are many coaches in the mBIT community who offer mBIT coaching remotely.

How does mBraining differ from traditional coaching approaches?

Traditional coaching often focuses on cognitive processes, what mBraining would label as the head intelligence, whereas mBraining incorporates the intelligence of three brains (head, heart and gut) in decision-making and personal growth.

What people are saying

“As I have travelled around the world for over 30 years training NLP, the question that I am most frequently asked is, ‘where is NLP going and what comes next?’ I have searched hard and up until now I have found nothing. That has just changed with the publication of ‘mBraining: Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff ‘, by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu. mBraining takes up where NLP leaves off. mBraining is based on a synthesis of the latest research in neurology and cognitive science. Marvin and Grant have done an amazing job of collecting and synthesizing the latest scientific research. None of their work is speculative. It is all based on hard scientific research. Furthermore, this is the birth of a new field. In short, if you want a model that synthesizes NLP, that expands upon it and that is based on hard science, then mBraining is for you. Learn it now and get in on the ground floor."

Wyatt L. Woodsmall, Ph.D.

NLP Master Trainer and Master Modeler

Co-Creator of the International NLP Trainers Association


"Received your book and couldn't put it down. The book is a brilliant blend of scientific discoveries and ancient wisdom that integrates three brains; an excellent cognitive basis for the training room and coaching work. I love and envy your conversational style and being a liaison between research & wisdom and the reader."

Michael Grinder

Non-verbal communication expert

Battle Ground, USA

"mBraining builds brilliantly on the earlier work of Daniel Golemans' pioneering work on Emotional Intelligence and the 'Head, Heart & Guts' work on Leadership by Dotlich, Cairo and Rhinesmith bringing, finally, a scientific, empirical and pragmatic application of multiple brain theory.

Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu take our intuitive knowledge of the validity of 'gut feel' and 'heart felt' to get our 'head around' the science of what they have termed 'multiple Brain Intelligence Techniques' (mBit) and, importantly, how this can be used in every aspect of our lives. mBraining is insightful, engaging, practical and, well, delightful. mBraining is a transformational work. Read it."

Colin James

Corporate Educator and Speaker


"The human experience is complex. Every now and then the prime signal of wisdom arises - the ability to make the complex simple. Oka and Soosalu have gathered the latest developments in Neuroscience, NLP and Human Development and translated them into a very readable, useable guide for the everyday person - how to live your life as it was really intended, using your multiple brains. Moving beyond that limiting belief held for decades in the western world, that we have only one brain, the one in our head, the authors offer an education toward better health, wiser decisions, and deeper relationships - including that most important relationship - with ourselves."

Mark Klassen

NLP Master Trainer

Commplus NLP, New Zealand

"mBraining demystifies how we make our instinctive gut and feeling heart based decisions, often more accurate and appropriate than our thinking head brain. The hows and whys of the emerging science of mBIT are brilliantly revealed and explained by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu, in a light and educational format. The book and supporting educational materials and programs provide you with the necessary tools to understand and effectively implement these leading edge strategies and prosper."

Dr Ari Diskin

Doctor of Chiropractic (USA)

Melbourne, Australia

"The model is simple to use but rich in its content, affect and usability."

Carol Scholes

Business consultant, Coach, Trainer

New Zealand

“Never before have I come across a model (Epistemology, Teleology, Phenomenology) that is grounded in both research and ancient wisdoms and has the capacity, in such a short timeframe, to generate creativity, compassion and courage.

After 4 days of mBIT Coach Certification Training, the sheer knowing that by using these models we can actually for both ourselves and the people we work with evolve our brains is, as if I am standing on the moon for the first time.

Exciting times are ahead for us. Not to mention the brilliance of Grant and Marvin.”

Wilbert Molenaar, Trainer, Dynamic Creation Corp

Perth, Australia

"After recently discovering NLP, I was aware of some feelings of conflict within my body. Not until reading mBraining did these feelings make perfect sense. The experience of the 4 day mBIT training was life changing, in so many ways, but not least, in the realisation that mbraining allows wisdom to emerge that truly will change the world for the better."

John Gent

Perth, WA

"I found this course very powerful in confirming that we all have our own wisdom and the process taught through mBIT can allow each client / person to discover their own solutions, with clarity and connection to the whole and best ME! Sometimes beyond what was originally thought. Overall I felt empowered through the process of learning mBIT, with a deeper understanding of HOW and WHY we are so powerful within, simple and powerful! Thank you!"

Kate Bull

Psychology Grad.

New Zealand

"I'm finding when I add mBIT into any of my coaching sessions the outcomes are faster to achieve and more apparent to the coachee."

Maree Burgess

Business & Executive Coach

Melbourne, Australia

"mBraining" is a revolutionary book and a must read for anyone who is interested in effective decision-making and problem solving! It introduces us to the understanding that human beings are functioning with multiple brains--head, heart, and gut--and how this is supported in previous century medical history, ancient wisdom traditions and eastern spirituality, as well as modern cutting edge neurological and psychological research and theory. The authors lay out the history and research on this topic in a step-by-step method that is well-researched and comprehensive yet clear and understandable, as well as truly fascinating. Once you read this book, you will understand a more accurate model of the intelligence of our multiple brains and be able to apply the knowledge and exercises in this book to begin achieving a unified body-mind and well-being.

As a counselor and school psychologist, I spent years reflecting with people to assist them in getting in touch with their gut feelings and to use this gut intelligence in the decision-making process. The authors' discussion of the two main functional intelligence or what they call "core competencies" of the gut brain is in essence right on target with my own findings with what people express as their inner needs experienced in their gut feelings. It is quite exciting to find that what has become clear in my own life's work with hundreds of people also validates what is written in "mBraining" about the gut brain intelligence. I thank you both, Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu, for your well-written and engaging book with such an important message of multiple brain intelligence.

Martha Love

Author of "What's Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct"


"This is one of the most powerful tools I have learned to date. It validates our Intuition through science and it empowers us to make choices from our Highest Expressions of "Compassion, Creativity and Courage". You can finally discover your Soul Purpose and develop your Intuition so that you can follow your own gentle guidance. I rarely get this excited about someone

else's work, but these guys made me want to learn as much as I could about their fascinating new work and tools!"

Laurie Huston

Certified mBIT Coach, Radio Presenter

Toronto, Canada

"A stunning process that has, and will, broaden and deepen my coaching and self work. Thank you – life changing!"

Sara Keenan

Facilitator and Coach

New Zealand

"A masterful combination of scientific research that backs up old knowledge, to produce a practical process that is simple, but offers a profound contribution to humanity to start expressing some wisdom before it destroys itself. We all need to do this stuff, luckily its completely natural once the program is installed.

I would add to not just buy the book, though yes do and don't delay - but also put yourself on a course to deepen it and help you get better at sharing what we are all looking for."

Craig Love

NLP Trainer

New Zealand

"mBraining has deeply affirmed my head, heart, gut approach to human development, in that each of us have our own answers within, we simply need to learn how to access that innate wisdom. mBIT has enabled me to not only step out into the world with greater courage, it has further empowered both myself and clients, in that both of us are able to engage in and leave sessions in a fully 'resourced' state every time."

Cheryl Cruttenden

Executive & Leadership Coaching With Horses


“The workshop is challenging and brings to life the theory in an easily comprehensible way – loved connecting with the heart brain and the gut enjoyed being listened to – a new framework to operate from, thank you.”

Julie Kidman

Sales and Success Coach, MindStep

New Zealand

"Another fabulous and enriching course which was a real pleasure and transformational experience. The new learning, skills and awareness I have integrated into the way I do 'being me' is priceless - and I'm leaving with the skills to be able to positively work with clients in the real world."

Glen Millen

NLP Practitioner

New Zealand

"Coaching mBIT is truly profound and a natural peaceful process. Breathing in coherence and with the client creates resonance and the magic comes from within both of us, when the head follows the heart, and the heart knows what is needed at the deep gut level, creative courageous compassion arises as awakened ecology and wisdom for living, at home and at work, for ourselves, our children, humanity, and the planet."

Victoire Deveaud Slakey

Trainer and Coach


"I'd like to thank Grant and Marvin for stretching and challenging my whole sense of coaching and me. I have now used mBIT in a business context, in a group session, a training session and on a 1 to 1 basis, and it has had powerful results."

Della Bartle

Leadership Coach

United Kingdom

"mBraining is the key to selfmastery. Easy to use, powerful and enlightning. Everyone and anyone will benefit from this. Wow, Wow, Wow, mBraining bridges the gap between neuro-science and metphysics. Finally something the world has been calling out for that will change the way we communicate with ourselves, others and a way to lift the whole of humanity into much need highest expressions and generative wisdom."

Mandi Cloete

Professional Coach

Perth, Australia

"The mBIT training was a hugely beneficial experience for me both personally and professionally. I found that I left the training more confident and self-assured, with more direction for my life. Professionally, I feel more confident in working with students and parents to enable them to achieve their learning goals. I totally recommend anyone to get the book and start applying it to their lives NOW!"

Hillary Mann


New Zealand

"I am appreciating how I continue to benefit greatly from the mBIT training. In using the mBIT processes on myself before each client session, I am noticing subtle changes which enable me to coach at increasingly higher levels of joint-consciousness – achieving better overall results."

Diane Hewat

Executive Coach


"mBraining is an awesome book with a message and practical tools for anyone wanting to get in touch with themselves and understand their true being and anyone wanting to improve the lives of those around them."

Kate Reeves


"I recently had the privilege of attending mBIT Coach Certification Training with Grant Soosalu & Marvin Oka. What a wonderful, life changing training. The mBraining techniques that Grant and Marvin have created are quite simply profound. As a Coach and Master NLP Practitioner I’m always looking to expand my toolkit with techniques that help clients connect with themselves in a deeper, more meaningful way to help create the changes they’re looking for. The mBIT techniques certainly do this. All my clients that I’ve used the techniques with have experienced far greater wisdom, clarity and motivation as a result. For the client the experience is very gentle and yet very powerful. I highly recommend mBIT Coach Training to anyone who is serious about taking their coaching to the next level."

Michelle Dalley

Coach & NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer

New Zealand

"mBraining is extremely powerful when used along with traditional coaching methods.

I am more than surprised, how my Clients are able to make extreme discoveries during the process, which they had no access to during the traditional coaching process just a few minutes ago. They flip everything up-side down and start again from the new system, new level of consciousness. It is really amazing."

Tomasz Misiak-Niedźwiadek

Executive Coach, mBIT Trainer


"This is a great book! Clear, full of energy and I loved it cause it's a clue for personal evolution!"



"As a Health Practitioner & Executive Coach I've had a long standing interest in how NLP, Mindfulness & the new advances in Neuroscience can help us all achieve sustained Health & Wellbeing. This integrated & innovative program explores the compassionate, creative & courageous aspects of 'being' - enabling us to enjoy life to the full & also enable others to do the same."

Heather-Jan Gray

Chief Executive www.synergy-global.com


"I did my mBIT training a few weeks ago. WOW! I feel that I am speaking from my gut and heart in a much more congruent way - congruent with my head! FANTASTIC! My voice still resonates from my gut and close friends have noticed the change as well.

I now use mBIT and breathing with all my NLP clients. I teach the breathing now as a pre-requisite to every session! It makes such a difference to my clients' state. From a balanced ANS almost anything is possible. Fabulous!"

Margot van Cingel

NLP Master Practitioner

New Zealand

"Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu are at the leading edge of the wave that is insistently bringing science and ancient wisdom together in a powerful synergy. Modern Humans exist in a “head brain” dominated world; increasingly we are finding this dissatisfying, unrewarding and unsustainable. mBraining is one of the technologies of the 21st century that can help us live the more balanced, rewarding and sustainable lives that we crave.

mBraining and the mBIT techniques are subtle, elegant and powerful. The training, for me, was at times filled with “big words travelling at the speed of light” yet the exercises transformed the science into simple body/mind experience – profound and undeniable, then a deeper understanding of the technical terms emerged for me.

I am grateful to Marvin and Grant for their dedication in bringing this body of work together, and for packaging it in such a way that is very easy to use and adapt."

Paula Powell

NLP Trainer

New Zealand

"I am immediately impressed by how the authors Grant and Marvin take the reader by the hand, guiding us on a journey into ourselves, and that is into our many tangible selves, integrating them, making them available to work as a team (self as team = self esteem) so that we take our power back from an external world and return to our inner power. I say loud and clear, get this book you deserve it, your family deserves the new you, and your children ( if you have any) or partner deserves what you can share with them from this book on how you will do your mBraining with this new technology. It will be right here in your hands now when you buy it. Just do it, love yourself enough to do this."

Glenn Sinclair

NLP Master Practitioner

Victoria, Australia

"If you are looking for up to date information to gain knowledge, practical ways to change, feel better and experience more in your life, this book is for you. Buy it, read it, do the exercises, enjoy the experiences and leverage the insights. This is a book that extends our understanding of human processes and the resulting subjective experiences."

David McCombe

Senior Project Manager

Melbourne, Australia

"The insights of mBraining really do shine a brilliant light on the existence of head, heart and gut brains and why we associate and express our experiences via these channels. The major revelation of this innovative and well researched book is in explaining the relevance of these brains to our creativity, courage and compassion and how to harness and align the power and potential that is inherent in the human body . A must read addition to anyone interested in expanding their horizons and making the most of life and living."

Jan Marsh

Training Developer & Writer

Auckland, NZ

"As a sufferer of anxiety, this book is a fantastic tool to get the brains in order. It is a great read and the practical exercises are...well in my case....a relief. Life is so busy and we are all rushing around. This book will give your brains and information to enhance your being. Well done to the authors for such terrific research."



"Experiencing the mBIT skills was life changing for me. I now have the toolkit to take away and continue working magic both for myself and others. The most transformational workshop I’ve ever attended. Thank you!"

Liz Anderson-Smith

Trainer, NewZealand

"mBraining: one of the greatest gifts to mankind’s evolution in the 21st century. I found mBraining to be such an enjoyable easy book to read and to understand and I believe it is suitable for anyone wanting to create generative change for themselves, their family/team, or their organisation. Furthermore to nurture the foundations and growth of this evolutionary approach to generative growth, Oka and Soosalu, have designed mBIT Certified Coach training for coaches passionate about working with their clients in a way that supports the client to experience generative sustainable change beyond the coaching program and mBIT is the best coach training I have ever participated in as it really did get to the Heart, Head and Gut of living an integrated healthier wiser lifestyle.

However mBraining is so much more than a book or personal and professional development tool, it is a healthier way of living for us all. Yet what I found truly remarkable, as well as being a refreshingly enriching experience, is the honour and integrity with which the founders of mBraining are sharing their knowledge, hope, and techniques with the world and that makes it even more enjoyable. I am forever grateful to Grant & Marvin for the gift bestowed upon me as a human-being and as a mBIT coach to be part of a collective consciousness that lives wisely from my Highest Expression to enhance the experience of life for all. Thank you for what you have gifted to us all and in your words - Evolve your World!"

Yvette Hughes

Professional Coach, Actum – Liberate your Spirit

"Really, really enjoyed your book. I have been implementing some of the practices that have been recommended. What can I say - it has been transformative."

Faisal Gazi

London, UK

"What a RIDE! mBraining a whole old/yet new concept opens up flow that is normally only Dreamt of… If you want to know more.... Well I can tell you... But only if you want to know..."

Karyn Davis

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

“We can change the world by being all we are...I'm excited with the interconnected synergy of NLP, mind-body-soul Integral Health, Positive Psychology, Spiritual philosophies, HeartMath, Neuroscience...mBraining is another critical piece in the puzzle toward wholeness, happiness and health. Thanks so much for creating a collective open, safe and generative space.”

Karen McCallum

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

"The depth and significance of the research that Grant and Marvin have undertaken is astounding and opens up a whole new, and very natural way of working with people that's previously been overlooked. Logically it makes sense, my gut feel – this is just the beginning of increasing possibilities and my heart feels lighter and more expanded with this knowledge. Thank you."

Stephanie Philp

NLP Trainer

Raglan, NZ

“mBIT is something special for the world which will have lasting impacts as we all know. “It is a full body explosion, that integrates the head, heart and gut intelligences. It’s about really listening, feeling, sensing and hearing these intelligences interrelating with you. mBIT helps to realign that core you. Having experienced the mBIT techniques – it’s extreme body and brains magic!”

Robyn Laurie

NLP Trainer

Wellington, NZ

“Full mind-body integration. The insights, learning and awareness’s of the multiple brain training filled gaps where previously questions lay, introduced and synthesised the whole being through coherent aligned breathing”

Zoe Wilkinson

NLP Trainer

Tauranga, NZ

"Have you ever wondered why, when you know you want to change, or need to change, nothing happens? Well, welcome to the world of neuroscience combining with psychology. I've become one of the first fantastic group of multi-brain coaches. We were in the world inaugural training group, led by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu. We really do have multi-brain intelligences, that are craving to be aligned, to enable our best, through courage, compassion and creativity. Proud to be an mBIT Coach, using our multi brains to do cool stuff."

Dorothy Oliver

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

"This book is truly transformational and gives a very new way to re-connect with all parts of yourself: Head, Heart and Gut. I have just completed the mBIT coaching workshop, based soley on this book, and already have seen some incredible shifts in my life and the people within it. Thanks Grant and Marvin for your groundbreaking scientifically sound way to truly support our fellow human becomings to live the life they were supposed to live."

Nikki Webb

Myotherapist and mBIT Coach, Australia

"Profound and elegant. This important book provides a flexible 'roadmap' supported by substantiated research to help us evolve into a higher expression of ourselves. It is both profound, and elegant. For anyone working in the field of human growth and development, this book is a must. Thank you Grant and Marvin for your commitment, effort, and willingness to bring this amazing work to us!"

Cindy Jacobs

Executive Coach, Australia


"The Training provides great tools to explore the inner workings of the way you 'do your life' by using the 3 brains and 3 'C's' - Creativity; Compassion; Courage. The practical ‘client/coach’ sessions are immensely useful in experiencing how it works and I recommend it to people willing to conect to their own self and the people around them at a deeper level. "

Alika Rai

NLP Master Practitioner, New Zealand

"For me mBIT brings all previous training together resulting in alignment that efficiently eases individuals towards transformation in such a way that is effective, smart and lasting. The ultimate training experience to increase competency and confidence for coaching and life."

Denise Boston Garner

NLP Trainer & Weight Loss Consultant

New Zealand

"The mBIT coaching training has been a highly transformational process for me on all levels. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this gentle and effective technique for connecting with my 3 intelligences (heart, head and gut), and aligning them in order to achieve specific personal and professional goals. I’m excited and inspired to continue using mBIT to fast-track my own development, and to facilitate future clients on their journey."

Monique Lund

Coach, New Zealand

"I found the mBraining concept while attending this year's WBECS Coaching conference. I listened to Grant and Marvin's presentations, purchased the book and was hooked. I applied the notion of inquiry to my own heart, then head, then gut and asked what they had to say about getting more information on the mBIT training. That's when I got the nudge from all three brains to book a ticket to Australia and get certified in the mBIT methods. I wanted the skills to enhance my life and the lives of my clients. I have client's who seem to be saying all of the statements below and I wanted to be a stronger coach who could support them to get unstuck.

  • I'm often in conflict between what I'm feeling, thinking and sensing.

  • I can't seem to get motivated about my biggest dreams and goals.

  • I feel like I have too much anxiety to think clearly.

The new set of tools afforded me from this certification are shifting the way I live and the lives of my clients. We are wiser, more stable in our decision making and feeling a greater sense of satisfaction."

Lyn Christian

Executive Coach, Utah, USA


"A whole new dimension of self-development training. Simple & intuitive and very powerful."

Richard Spencer

NLP Trainer, New Zealand

"mBIT is a new and powerful tool for me to use as a primary school teacher, a father, a lover, a friend. I look forward to using mBIT more and more to release old patterns and liberate and align my heart, gut and mind. I would not hesitate to recommend mBIT as a course for aspiring or experienced counselors,coaches, therapists or any human on a path of healing and growth. Many thanks Grant and Marvin your course delivered an incredibly powerful and rewarding experience that will leave an everlasting effect and memory."

Yarny Triandafilidis

Educator, Melbourne, Australia

"Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka have gathered, distilled and integrated disparate research findings from the fields of neuroscience, cardiology, gastroenterology, applied physics, positive psychology into a cohesive, comprehensive, evidence based framework that offers each of us the ability to transform and reorganise our own neural networks to live lives that give the fullest expression of our talents. A must read for those seeking to understand how the mind integrates neural feedback from the body and a wake up call to those of us who have relied on mental (or head based) models to explain and understand human behaviour and ourselves."

Jane Strangward

Neuroscience Consultant Coach, Australia

"I would like to thank you and say that your work is quite phenomenal. I am a certified Enneagram Coach and I find your work has brought a whole new level of validity to the Enneagram through science."

Sherif Messiha

Professional Coach

Canada, theultimateadvantage.ca

"Final day of my mBIT Coach Certification training and graduation completed! And what a ride that was. For the first time in my life I have finally connected with what I want and who I truly am. I have a new and exciting time ahead in this world."

Matt Brown


United Kingdom

"I have just completed the 4 day mBIT coaching workshop and have already started to integrate the amazing learnings and techniques about bringing the Autonomic Nervous System into balance and the 3 Brains into alignment, into my practice. I can't wait to see how this affects my clients, family and friends. Thank you Grant and Marvin for a truly inspiring workshop."

Janine Michael

Trainer and Therapist, Australia

"Thank you Grant and Marvin for gathering the latest research across different fields, bringing it together and finding ways to apply the results in practical and caring ways. This book is game changing, life changing and could even be planet changing! A must read for anyone who cares about people and how they live and interact."

Karen Howard

NLP Trainer, Australia

"Just thought I would drop you a very big quick Thank You. As a result of reading your ground breaking book mBraining I am pleased to let you know that the insights I have gained have greatly assisted me in my practice as a Hypnotherapist. In turn my Clients have benefited enormously by understanding that their `gut feelings` are indeed real and `heart felt feelings` are not some imaginary baseless response that `should` be overridden by thoughts programmed or otherwise. mBraining’s wisdom has been truly an enlightening and powerful experience for myself and many of my thankful clients."

David Allan

Therapist, Australia


“I’ve just been to an incredible 4 day seminar in Auckland -- mBraining -- ground breaking technology.”

Tony Clark

NLP Trainer

Melbourne, Aust.

"A wonderful combination of science, behavioural modelling and techniques to explore beyond the conditioned mind and into the creative, compassionate and courageous aspects of our being, to live from the highest expression of who we are, thus generating healthier decisions in all areas of our life and our planet"

Theresa Grainger

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

"Occasionally one comes across a book that constitutes a hugely significant and boundary breaking contribution to the field of human development. mBraining is such a book. Written in a conversational style, it is immediately accessible to the widest range of readers. It is also a prime example of science catching up with common knowledge that has developed over millennia of human experience. Oka and Soosalu have constructed the text in a systematic and coherent way that allows the reader to follow with ease their approach to interpreting and utilising the feedback from all three human intelligences of head, heart and brain. Not only is their system based on behavioural modelling, it is backed by evidence from many reputable neuro-science research projects. The book clearly outlines in an intelligent and ordered way, the various processes used in what the authors describe as "mBraining". This book makes sense on many levels, and is a must-read for psychologists, therapists, coaches, counsellors, consultants and all who may be interested in '...a finely tuned and aligned process that is positive, loving, creative, generative and empowered'."

Te Ruru


Christchurch, New Zealand

"It was an absolute privilege to attend the mBIT training course, to work with Marvin and Grant, to learn the newest technology in the world and to be able to apply the technology to high-performance in myself and the people I work with. It is a privilege to be on the leading edge of learning the capability of the three brains and I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to take their coaching skills to the next level."

Natalie Ashdown

Trainer and Executive Coach

Open Door Coaching, Australia

"Reading mBraining now, so excited, it works! Ive been practicing Healing Tao for a year and studying NLP also and its making the techniques a lot easier. I'm going to start teaching my clients with anxiety disorders this amazing model."

Luca Iñigo Lacasa


"mBraining extends notions of both brain and mind. Steven Pinker famously says that 'the mind is what the brain does'. Oka and Soosalu suggest that a greater mind is a function of a greater brain, that comprising head, heart, and hara."

Stephen Elliott

Author and Life Scientist



"Want to know more about you, and how to live the life you're capable of? Read mBraining. This book is an easy to read, insightful exploration into what's really possible for each of us once we recognise and coherently engage our 3 brains; heart, head and gut. Compassion, Creativity and Courage, we all have them, and this book will show you how to access these Highest Expressions of your brains. Congratulations to Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu on their research into the connections between ancient wisdom teachings and modern science, and for writing this accessible book. Highly recommended."

Stacey Ashley

Master Coach


"This is an important work! When so much of our response to life is based on what our 'head' brain tells us to do, it is exciting to see the research demonstrating the power and the importance of our heart and gut brains. Get all three aligned and your life changes! This book shows you how."

Jan Roberts

Author, Pharmacist & Clinical Nutritionist


"This book has not only changed our lives, but has changed the lives of our clients and all of those around us. We have implemented mBIT into our everyday lives and right throughout our own trainings and coaching in relationships. As Relationship Coaches, we found that we are able to be more effective in such a short timeframe using the skills and techniques of mBraining. Our clients have nothing but praise for mBIT and the eye-opening skills it teaches you through the likes of NLP, NeuroScience and the genius of the authors!"

Emir and Samantha Krajina

Relationship Coaches, Australia


"The first handbook to the future of the comprehensive grasp of intelligence and how to integrate conscious mastery of our potential, mBraining is essential reading. Hope it gets recognized for what it is. Exciting revelations and ingenious work, guys!"

Thomas Sullivan

Pulitzer nominated author

Minnesota, USA

"Never before has a book gripped me so - from the first chapter, I have been engaged, fascinated and engrossed in equal measure – my head, heart and gut tell me so!"

David Parry

NLP Trainer

Wrexham, UK

"Wow! What a roller coaster ... I have a wonderful picture of me emerging from a huge rock - a solid and safe rock that had been building around me for as long as I can remember - a rock of who I was supposed to be and who people had told me I was - yet the longer time went on the heavier the rock got and the harder it was to break out from it. Grant just put a stick of dynamite right at the core in an open frame session at the four day coach training with communications plus this weekend in Auckland. The layers and chunks of rocks just fell away - and 'I' emerged. And because the rocks and weight have gone - I can move and dance. Am loving it and feel like I am just starting to live as me - who I was created to be. Like learning to walk again all over again - I expect to stumble and fall occasionally - I am sure it will take time to get to know 'me' in a whole new way - but what a gift - thank you."

Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Henwood

NLP Trainer, New Zealand

"This book is a must read for both coaches and individuals. It has made a profound difference to both my knowledge of the body and brains as well as how I approach coaching. It is incredibly well researched and referenced, there are lots of practical exercises to help you understand the theories and it is full of ideas as to how it can be applied.

Grant and Marvin have taken the latest thinking in neuro-science and found a way to make it both easy to understand and practical to use. If you only read one book this year, this should be it!"

Sarah Hamburger

Elite Sports Coach, NZ

"If you want to be inspired by amazing and easily accessible facts from the leading edge of science; if you want access to the vast fields of intelligence within you; if you want to tap into the wisdom of each of your 3 brains (that’s right – 3!), mBraining is a book for you. I went away for a week of silence a couple of weeks ago and took this book. I was absolutely fascinated by it and have shared much of it with my community. Thank you, Grant and Marvin, so much for writing such an insightful, inspiring and healing book!"

Best Selling Author

www.maryomalley.com, USA

“I’m very impressed with the work of Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka on the competencies of the brains in the heart and gut and the application of this to leadership. Their action research findings and models are fascinating and advance the work my co-authors and I wrote about in ‘Head, Heart & Guts: How the World’s Best Companies Develop Complete Leaders’.”

Author, Researcher and Leadership Expert

Pivot Leadership, USA

“mBraining is an intriguing and profound book. The research on the three brains is now compelling and the authors do a masterful job of integrating this research in a practical approach you can start implementing immediately. I’m very grateful for the work that Grant and Marvin are doing with mBraining because it will help people understand the power of integrating their head, heart and gut brains to enhance every aspect of their life."

Author, From Chaos to Coherence: The Power to Change Performance

Founding Director and former CEO, HeartMath, USA

Co-founder What Makes Your Heart Sing


Aligning the three brains

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