Interview with Czerral Wheeler


Probiotics, wellness and the intelligence of your Three Brains

mBIT Trainer Bill Lee-Emery spoke with Czerral Wheeler about probiotics, wellness and the wisdom of the three brains. Czerral Wheeler, is a probiotics expert and researcher with over 30 years experience in the health food industry working with good bacteria, and is the creator of Miessence’s organic probiotic supplements InLiven and Fast Tract. These result oriented nutritional formulas are setting a new standard in the health care industry.In 1979 he became well known for his exclusive role in introducing Spirulina to the world market. In the 1980s, he became focused on holistic enterprises dealing with research and development of “Super-Foods”: a word he coined in the early 80s dealing with any organic food source that carries a broad spectrum of nutrients.

In 1984 he was involved in a cancer research program initiated with Harvard University. Czerral has been a featured speaker for motivational and health seminars and was on the “A” list as a speaker at the “National Health Federation”. He is a well-known guest speaker on many radio talk shows and television interviews.

“The cause of all disease is simply the malnutrition of cells.

Once we understand this then we can reclaim our birthright ‘HEALTH'”

Czerral Wheeler D.V. Med, MMBM

“Always remember, life is about choice. What you choose to put in your body and mind will either attract health and well-being or sickness and lack.”

Czerral Wheeler D.V. Med, MMBM

Disclaimer: This interview is NOT intended to provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed in the interview by the people interviewed and by the interviewer do not necessarily reflect those of mBIT International Pty Ltd or its staff.