Interview with Dr. Ginny Whitelaw


Integrating the Energies of Balanced Leadership

We spoke to Dr. Ginny Whitelaw about her work on the 4 Energy Patterns and how they link to the head, heart and gut intelligences and how to integrate these patterns and energies for Balanced Leadership. Dr. Ginny Whitelaw is a biophysicist by training, and combines a rich scientific background with extensive senior leadership experience, and 30 years of training in Zen and martial arts. For many years she’s been an executive coach, faculty member and program director with the Mercer Leadership Development Center and served as adjunct faculty to Columbia University’s Senior Executive Program. Ginny spent 10 years at NASA, where she became the Deputy Manager for integration of the International Space Station Program, and led a large-scale change effort to re-align the management of the program. Ultimately, her work using cross-functional teams became a model for other NASA programs, and she was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal for her efforts.

Ginny is a Rinzai Zen Priest, holds a 5th degree black belt in Aikido, and teaches Zen meditation. She is the author of a number of books including ‘BodyLearning’ (with Betsy Wetzig), ‘Move to Greatness: The 4 Essential Energies of the Whole and Balanced Leader’ and ‘The Zen Leader’. Ginny holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics, as well as a B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in Philosophy from Michigan State University.

More information about Ginny’s work, visit: Focus Leadership or The Zen Leader

Listen to or download the interview with Dr. Ginny Whitelaw

And you can check out Ginny’s books here: