The Three Brains and Accelerated Learning

Dr. Stephanie Burns is well-known in the Australian corporate, education and government communities. Her work is also found embedded in other international education programs. Originally trained as an engineer by the U.S. Army her career evolved through influential studies into human behaviour. For the past 25 years, Stephanie has built a global reputation as a leader in adult learning. With tens of thousands of people having attended her ‘Learning To Learn’ and ‘Training to Train’ programs, Stephanie has authored 3 industry bestselling books “Great Lies We Live By”, “Artistry in Training” and “Move Closer Stay Longer”. She also completed her PhD with the University of South Australia focusing on the role of emotion in the learning process, and spent 10 years developing and running a series of successful online learning programs.

Her research has led to practical solutions to problems in the areas of leadership, communication, learning and teaching. She has applied the findings of her study to learn a host of skills and taught others to do the same. Stephanie’s exploits as an avid guinea pig for her research are the stuff of legend to her students. Stephanie has the academic rigour, practical experience and a reputation second to none. Originally from the USA, she has lived in Australia since 1987.

In these interviews, we explore with Stephanie how the multiple brains are involved in learning and the application of mBIT principles to accelerated learning.

For more information about Stephanie’s work, visit or her facebook page

Listen to or download the interview with Dr. Stephanie Burns – Part 2

And you can check out Stephanie’s books here: