Interview with Howard Lim


Marketing to the Head, Heart and Gut

Marketing expert Howard Lim has extensive hands-on practice in marketing to the head, heart and gut. His career spans over 25 years, resulting in many award-winning solutions and brand value and equity for his clients. Howard has represented and contributed to the branding of such industry leaders as Apple, Disney, Xerox, Honda and others. In addition to being president of HOW Creative, he is also founder of the Authentic Brand Academy. He has been featured in media such as the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Macworld, BRANDWEEK, HOW Magazine, ABC, FOX, and CBS.Howard’s inventive ‘game changing’ formula, known as ‘Authentic Business and Branding’, integrates strategy, execution, and management at the head, heart and gut levels. This comprehensive system approach assists companies in leveraging themselves ahead of their competitors—far ahead. Fortune 100 companies and others seek out Howard Lim for his unique, entrepreneurial and creative approaches.I spoke with Howard about using branding to appeal to the heart, head and gut brains. Howard says that the first step is to appeal on an emotional level (the heart), in order to establish trust with the customer. Trust is re-inforced when you deliver on your promise through the product, service or information you provide (the head). Using engagement points to build brand loyalty with these approaches influences the customer on a “gut” level so that your company is experienced to be in alignment with their values and lifestyle.

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To find out more about Howards’ work, visit:

To watch a video of Howard describing his work on ‘Branding from the Heart, Head and Gut‘:

And you can check out Howard’s book here: