Resonant Leadership and Coaching with Compassion
Richard Boyatzis is Distinguished University Professor, as well as Professor in the Departments of Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University and Adjunct Professor at ESADE. He is the author of more than 150 articles and books on leadership, competencies, Emotional Intelligence (EI), and change from a complexity perspective, including: The Competent Manager (in 12 languages); Primal Leadership with Daniel Goleman and Annie McKee, in 28 languages; Resonant Leadership, with Annie McKee (in 18 languages); Becoming a Resonant Leader, with Annie McKee and Francis Johnston (in 8 languages), and Transforming Qualitative Information (in 2 languages). Professor Boyatzis’ current research includes several fMRI studies into the neural systems activated when engaged in Intentional Change efforts of arousing the Positive Emotional Attractor, as well as resonant versus dissonant leadership. He is also involved in numerous research studies of coaching, doctor-patient relationships and teacher-student relationships that foster sustained, desired change. His current writing includes exploration of Intentional Change Theory as it explains sustained, desired change at all levels of human functioning, from individual, to dyad, to team, to organization, to community, to country and global change.
Prior to becoming a professor in 1987, he had been President and CEO of McBer and Company (a research oriented human resource consulting company) for 11 years and COO of Yankelovich, Skelly & White (a market research company) for 3 years. During these years he worked on various projects from treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts to the development of competency based human resource systems and competency assessment validation. Prior to that he had been a psychologist for the Veterans Administration.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his Masters and PhD from Harvard University in Social Psychology.
We spoke with Professor Boyatzis on his work on Resonant Leadership, Coaching with Compassion and the impacts of the Autonomic Nervous System and how his research connects with and supports our own work on multiple Brain Integration (mBIT) Coaching.
Listen to or download the interview with Professor Richard BoyatzisTo find out more about Richards’ work, visit:
For a FREE on-line course by Prof. Boyatzis on Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence, visit Coursera:
To watch a video of Prof. Boyatzis describing his work on the ‘keys to leadership success’: