mBIT Coaching Workbook & Facilitators Guide


The mBIT Coaching Workbook and Facilitators Guide now advance the emerging new field of multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT) Coaching. The Workbook provides mBIT Coaches with transformational tools to deepen their coaching work with Clients.

The exercises in this Workbook can help you transform your relationship to yourself, to others, and to the world in which you live. If you’re serious about your self-evolution, this book can truly make a generative difference!

About the mBIT Coaching Workbook

Using leading edge methodologies, the mBIT Coaching Workbook provides a powerful system for supporting, communicating with and integrating the wisdom and intelligence of your Clients’ multiple brains.

The Workbook is a tool for working with Clients to open up a series of enquiries, to bring awareness to both the Client and you the Coach, about the patterns and processes of how the Client is authoring their process of ‘human becoming’. So the mBIT Coaching Workbook is both a practical and pragmatic tool for enhancing your coaching practice as well as a mechanism for guiding the personal evolution journey.

About the Facilitators Guide

This Facilitators Guide for the mBIT Coaching Workbook teaches you how to best utilize the exercises in the Workbook with your Clients to facilitate them up the mBIT Roadmap – using the mBIT Roadmap as a developmental competency hierarchy. By using the exercises in the Workbook, you can deeply amplify your Clients’ personal evolution and help them achieve even greater success and happiness in a world of massive change. With this mBIT Coaching Workbook you can truly evolve your Clients’ multiple brains and their world!

mBIT Coaching Workbook

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Facilitators Guide

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