mBIT Guided Journeys for the Heart, Mind and Soul


Words have power! Guided imagery can engage the imagination like no other medium. mBIT Guided Journeys provides guided visualizations that promote compassion, creativity, courage and wisdom.

Creative visualization journeys inspired by NLP and the new field of mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques) to uplift your heart, delight your mind and deeply relax your soul…

Bringing unconscious intuitive wisdom to consciousness – each journey provides a gift, message, dream or guidance to emerge deeper wisdom from the unconscious intuitions of heart, head, gut and autonomic intelligences.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”

C.G. Jung

In this book, you will learn:

  • NLP ‘artfully guiding’ Milton Pattern Language

  • How to influence the Unconscious Mind using guided visualization

  • Dr. Ainslie Meares ‘Mental Ataraxis’ deep relaxation technique for connecting with ANS, heart and gut brains

  • The science behind Guided Imagery and Visualization

  • Benefits and contraindications to Guided Imagery

  • Green Space and Blue Mind and the science underpinning them

  • Symbolism, Metaphor, Archetypes and Symbolic Anthropology and how common symbols link to the multiple brains

  • Voice Prosody, Tonality and the Vagus


“I’ve started reading them, and am enjoying how Grant has not only created the journeys, but also unpacks the structure behind the journeys, and the layers and layers of nuanced distinctions weaved in there, which are underpinned by research. ie. Using colors, and Blue induced relaxation is different from Green induced relaxation, as they are involved with different brains. Thanks so much for pulling all this together for us Grant!!!”

Josh Melano, mBIT Trainer, QLD, Australia


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