mBRAINING Coloring Book – Mindful Coloring


Bring Calmness and Wisdom to your Mind and Life…

This adult coloring book provides drawings that represent all of the aspects of the multiple brains and their highest expressions. Allowing you to immerse yourself in the creative endeavour of mindfully coloring in imagery that speaks to autonomic coherence and calmness, and to the heart, head and gut brains and their integrative emergent wisdoming.

  • 20 beautiful drawings to color in along with 20 mindmaps to color, enhance and explore.

  • Provides hours and hours of calming stress relief, mindful wisdom, flow and joyful, creative expression.

  • Images inspired by the new field of mBRAINING (multiple braining – head, heart, gut).

  • Designed to evoke the Highest Expressions of Compassion, Creativity and Courage.

  • Ancient spiritual wisdom meets modern neuroscience in practical application.

  • Includes 12 pages introducing the ideas of mBRAINING, the science of Mindful Coloring & Coloring Wisdom.

  • Ideal gift to introduce mBIT to Clients through a fun, useful and calming activity.

  • Priced at ONLY $6.99USD each & all profits go to mBIT Wisdom Projects.



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