Loving Your Life! Journey

$1,495.00 Price is in Australian dollars

What would it be like if you truly, deeply and more wondrously loved your life? How would you feel? What would you do differently?

mBIT Loving Your Life!
Come on a deep ‘BookJourney’ with us, a deep exploration of what it means to be Loving your Life! using mBIT, NLP and Positive Psychology.
This is a Generative BookJourney mentor/coaching experience. It is webinar based so you can do it from the comfort of your own home
anywhere in the world. Learn in a supportive small group virtual environment and explore what it means to bring your human spirit alive
and tap into your own inner wisdom. Come on a journey of deep discovery…
Based on the exciting new book ‘Loving your Life!’, and using mBIT, NLP and Positive Psychology, the journey facilitates you through
a series of explorations and deep meditations on how to truly love your life, love your self and bring more loving into your life.
As recent Neuroscience has shown, we have centers of intelligence, or ‘brains’, in our heart and gut regions. Each of your three brains
(head, heart and gut) have their own domains of expertise, their own prime functions, and more importantly, their own ‘Highest
Expressions’. Loving your Life! applies these profound insights to the context of truly bringing your life and spirit alive! Based on
behavioral modeling of people who are truly loving their lives, you can now use these insights to take your life to another level
and truly be Loving your own Life even more amazingly!

This course is the original content and recording by Grant Soosalu. New research pertaining to this topic may therefore have emerged since the recording of this training. If so, it doesn’t diminish the value of the practical application of the tools and techniques presented in this course.


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