mBIT mBodied Wisdom Training

$499.00 Price is in Australian dollars

“A journey into the practices of embodied vitality and mindfulness
for flourishing with self and others.”
Would you like to experience the latest mBIT breakthroughs with Grant
Soosalu, Co-Creator of mBraining and deeply learn about Grant’s latest
work on Embodying Wisdom: The Science & Practices of mBodied
Mindfulness, Vitality and Human Flourishing.
This is an AMAZING workshop NOW available online. After piloting
and action researching it in New Zealand and Italy, Grant has NOW
made it available to mBIT Coaches ONLINE. Two days of incredible
embodied learnings and practices packaged up into an online
workshop. Supporting you in bringing your mBIT practices deeply alive in
your body and your life. An incredible leading edge multiple brain
learning experience!
Based on the very latest scientific knowledge and the insights from
esoteric and wisdom traditions, this online workshop is designed to
complement many other spiritual, coaching and therapeutic practices.
Based on advances in the new field of mBraining & mBIT (multiple

Brain Integration Techniques) you will learn how to facilitate your em-
bodied vitality and a deeply embodied wisdom consciousness

This practical seminar is an accessible experiential online journey into un-
derstanding the scientific basis of embodied mindfulness, including living

from vitality in your gut intuitions, your heart-felt emotions, and your head-
based creative powers. The practices you will learn can transform your re-
lationship to yourself, to others, and to the world.

This course is the original content and recording by Grant Soosalu. New research pertaining to this topic may therefore have emerged since the recording of this training. If so, it doesn’t diminish the value of the practical application of the tools and techniques presented in this course.


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