
Denise Boston Garner

"For me mBIT brings all previous training together resulting in alignment that efficiently eases individuals towards transformation in such a way that is effective, smart and lasting. The ultimate training experience to increase competency and confidence for coaching and life."

Denise Boston Garner

NLP Trainer & Weight Loss Consultant

New Zealand

Monique Lund

"The mBIT coaching training has been a highly transformational process for me on all levels. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this gentle and effective technique for connecting with my 3 intelligences (heart, head and gut), and aligning them in order to achieve specific personal and professional goals. I’m excited and inspired to continue using mBIT to fast-track my own development, and to facilitate future clients on their journey."

Monique Lund

Coach, New Zealand

Lyn Christian

"I found the mBraining concept while attending this year's WBECS Coaching conference. I listened to Grant and Marvin's presentations, purchased the book and was hooked. I applied the notion of inquiry to my own heart, then head, then gut and asked what they had to say about getting more information on the mBIT training. That's when I got the nudge from all three brains to book a ticket to Australia and get certified in the mBIT methods. I wanted the skills to enhance my life and the lives of my clients. I have client's who seem to be saying all of the statements below and I wanted to be a stronger coach who could support them to get unstuck.

  • I'm often in conflict between what I'm feeling, thinking and sensing.

  • I can't seem to get motivated about my biggest dreams and goals.

  • I feel like I have too much anxiety to think clearly.

The new set of tools afforded me from this certification are shifting the way I live and the lives of my clients. We are wiser, more stable in our decision making and feeling a greater sense of satisfaction."

Lyn Christian

Executive Coach, Utah, USA


Richard Spencer

"A whole new dimension of self-development training. Simple & intuitive and very powerful."

Richard Spencer

NLP Trainer, New Zealand

Yarny Triandafilidis

"mBIT is a new and powerful tool for me to use as a primary school teacher, a father, a lover, a friend. I look forward to using mBIT more and more to release old patterns and liberate and align my heart, gut and mind. I would not hesitate to recommend mBIT as a course for aspiring or experienced counselors,coaches, therapists or any human on a path of healing and growth. Many thanks Grant and Marvin your course delivered an incredibly powerful and rewarding experience that will leave an everlasting effect and memory."

Yarny Triandafilidis

Educator, Melbourne, Australia