
Amy Mercer is an mBIT Master Coach and Trainer. She has been a professional coach, lecturer, consultant and teacher for over 30 years. Amy has been married for 22 years and has one child. She has sailed across the Pacific Ocean, has run 5 half marathons and loves the outdoors especially hiking, camping and kayaking. She currently lives on Vashon Island, near Seattle in Washington state. Amy’s first coaching practice used a philosophically based approach which focused on freedom to choose. This structure allowed people to examine the belief systems that were working and not working in their lives. This program also taught people to release, mind and body, embedded patterns, pain and grief that affected their everyday lives. Often people would remark that this program was more effective in one day than the last 10 years of the therapy that they had been in. During Amy’s second practice (beginning around 2005), she worked with and coached children and their families especially those with neuro diverse learning. Because of the complex nature of the issues these families were facing she began to study extensively in the fields of psychology, the neuroscience of learning and learning differences, the neuroscience of stress and neuroscience, as it applies to how all of our complex neural networks learn and grow and remake themselves. Amy became a certified specialist for diagnosing and remediation of Dyslexia. Currently Amy continues to work with and coach individuals, families and children who are interested in natural humanness in a very unnatural time, transformational change, and the best tools for well being. and families and children as a coach and consultant and trainer. Amy is a certified mBit Master Coach and Trainer and has co-trained and certified over 100 mBIT coaches since 2019.

Upcoming events

Event name




mBIT Coach Certification USA 24 September 2025 - 27 September 2025 Seattle, Washington, United States of America Ongoing
mBIT Coach Certification Training in NEPAL 24 October 2025 - 28 October 2025 Pokhara, Nepal Ongoing
