Who was Grant Soosalu?

Honouring Grant Soosalu’s Legacy of our multiple brains

Grant Soosalu

Grant was an international leadership consultant, trainer and writer with backgrounds and expertise in Organisational Change, Coaching, Training and Leadership Development. He had an advanced degrees and certifications in Psychology, Positive Psychology, Applied Physics, Computer Engineering and System Development. He was a qualified Total Quality Management (TQM) Trainer, and had achieved Master Practitioner Certification in the behavioral sciences of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Advanced Behavioral Modeling. Grant was awarded a Graduate Coaching Diploma in the newly emerging field of Authentic Happiness Coaching.

Grant had wide ranging expertise and experience in the educational sector as a Lecturer, Coach, Training Developer, Instructional Designer and Facilitator. He also had extensive backgrounds in Business Development, Senior Technical Consulting and Project Management. Grant provided coaching and mentoring to CEO’s and Senior Executives around the world.

Before his passing, Grant was a Consultant Lecturer at a leading Australian University where he ran workshops and programs on Social Media Marketing and the applications of Positive Psychology to Conflict Resolution, Risk Management and Organizational Change. Grant also had a successful consulting company providing services to organizations predominantly in the finance sector.

Grant published articles and papers in International Journals, in the fields of Leadership, Coaching, Philosophy, Applied Physics and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Grant Soosalu 1959-2019

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Explore Grant's Books
Grant Soosalu

Three Intelligences

If you’ve ever ‘lost heart’, been ‘gutted’, had a powerful gut reaction, or experienced deep intuitive messages from your heart, then you’ll immediately recognize just how pervasive the intelligence and impacts of our multiple brains can be.
The fields of Neuro-Linguistics and Cognitive-Linguistics have both shown that metaphor and meaning are deeply embodied. Now mBIT allows you to unlock the process of embodiment at a neurological level.

mBIT and mBraining take Coaching into whole new realms, whether it be Life Coaching, Performance Coaching, Executive Coaching or Sports Coaching. Understanding how people use their heart and gut intelligences to either limit themselves or empower themselves via dreams, motivations and core identity is crucial to real coaching success.

Three Intelligences

mBraining in Numbers

Master Coaches
mBraining in Numbers

Grant Soosalu speaks about mBraining

In this groundbreaking book, you’ll discover what the latest findings in neuroscience have to offer for increasing your intuitive abilities for wiser decision-making in your daily life. Providing you with numerous practical and easy to learn techniques, this book shows how you can tap into the innate intelligences of your three brains that scientific research has identified in your head, heart and gut areas. The authors have brought together a remarkably wide range of disparate yet related research and synthesized them into an integrated approach that is practical, powerful, and immediate in its results.

Grant Soosalu speaks about mBraining

Read more about mBraining

Delve into some of Grant Soosalu’s work that explore mBraining in different ways.

mBIT Guided Journeys for the Heart, Mind and Soul

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Avoiding the Enemies to HAPPINESS

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Loving Your Life!

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