
Wyatt L. Woodsmall, Ph.D.

“As I have travelled around the world for over 30 years training NLP, the question that I am most frequently asked is, ‘where is NLP going and what comes next?’ I have searched hard and up until now I have found nothing. That has just changed with the publication of ‘mBraining: Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff ‘, by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu. mBraining takes up where NLP leaves off. mBraining is based on a synthesis of the latest research in neurology and cognitive science. Marvin and Grant have done an amazing job of collecting and synthesizing the latest scientific research. None of their work is speculative. It is all based on hard scientific research. Furthermore, this is the birth of a new field. In short, if you want a model that synthesizes NLP, that expands upon it and that is based on hard science, then mBraining is for you. Learn it now and get in on the ground floor."

Wyatt L. Woodsmall, Ph.D.

NLP Master Trainer and Master Modeler

Co-Creator of the International NLP Trainers Association


Michael Grinder

"Received your book and couldn't put it down. The book is a brilliant blend of scientific discoveries and ancient wisdom that integrates three brains; an excellent cognitive basis for the training room and coaching work. I love and envy your conversational style and being a liaison between research & wisdom and the reader."

Michael Grinder

Non-verbal communication expert

Battle Ground, USA

Colin James

"mBraining builds brilliantly on the earlier work of Daniel Golemans' pioneering work on Emotional Intelligence and the 'Head, Heart & Guts' work on Leadership by Dotlich, Cairo and Rhinesmith bringing, finally, a scientific, empirical and pragmatic application of multiple brain theory.

Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu take our intuitive knowledge of the validity of 'gut feel' and 'heart felt' to get our 'head around' the science of what they have termed 'multiple Brain Intelligence Techniques' (mBit) and, importantly, how this can be used in every aspect of our lives. mBraining is insightful, engaging, practical and, well, delightful. mBraining is a transformational work. Read it."

Colin James

Corporate Educator and Speaker


Mark Klassen

"The human experience is complex. Every now and then the prime signal of wisdom arises - the ability to make the complex simple. Oka and Soosalu have gathered the latest developments in Neuroscience, NLP and Human Development and translated them into a very readable, useable guide for the everyday person - how to live your life as it was really intended, using your multiple brains. Moving beyond that limiting belief held for decades in the western world, that we have only one brain, the one in our head, the authors offer an education toward better health, wiser decisions, and deeper relationships - including that most important relationship - with ourselves."

Mark Klassen

NLP Master Trainer

Commplus NLP, New Zealand

Dr Ari Diskin

"mBraining demystifies how we make our instinctive gut and feeling heart based decisions, often more accurate and appropriate than our thinking head brain. The hows and whys of the emerging science of mBIT are brilliantly revealed and explained by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu, in a light and educational format. The book and supporting educational materials and programs provide you with the necessary tools to understand and effectively implement these leading edge strategies and prosper."

Dr Ari Diskin

Doctor of Chiropractic (USA)

Melbourne, Australia