
Carol Scholes

"The model is simple to use but rich in its content, affect and usability."

Carol Scholes

Business consultant, Coach, Trainer

New Zealand

Wilbert Molenaar

“Never before have I come across a model (Epistemology, Teleology, Phenomenology) that is grounded in both research and ancient wisdoms and has the capacity, in such a short timeframe, to generate creativity, compassion and courage.

After 4 days of mBIT Coach Certification Training, the sheer knowing that by using these models we can actually for both ourselves and the people we work with evolve our brains is, as if I am standing on the moon for the first time.

Exciting times are ahead for us. Not to mention the brilliance of Grant and Marvin.”

Wilbert Molenaar, Trainer, Dynamic Creation Corp

Perth, Australia

John Gent

"After recently discovering NLP, I was aware of some feelings of conflict within my body. Not until reading mBraining did these feelings make perfect sense. The experience of the 4 day mBIT training was life changing, in so many ways, but not least, in the realisation that mbraining allows wisdom to emerge that truly will change the world for the better."

John Gent

Perth, WA

Kate Bull

"I found this course very powerful in confirming that we all have our own wisdom and the process taught through mBIT can allow each client / person to discover their own solutions, with clarity and connection to the whole and best ME! Sometimes beyond what was originally thought. Overall I felt empowered through the process of learning mBIT, with a deeper understanding of HOW and WHY we are so powerful within, simple and powerful! Thank you!"

Kate Bull

Psychology Grad.

New Zealand

Maree Burgess

"I'm finding when I add mBIT into any of my coaching sessions the outcomes are faster to achieve and more apparent to the coachee."

Maree Burgess

Business & Executive Coach

Melbourne, Australia