
Martha Love

"mBraining" is a revolutionary book and a must read for anyone who is interested in effective decision-making and problem solving! It introduces us to the understanding that human beings are functioning with multiple brains--head, heart, and gut--and how this is supported in previous century medical history, ancient wisdom traditions and eastern spirituality, as well as modern cutting edge neurological and psychological research and theory. The authors lay out the history and research on this topic in a step-by-step method that is well-researched and comprehensive yet clear and understandable, as well as truly fascinating. Once you read this book, you will understand a more accurate model of the intelligence of our multiple brains and be able to apply the knowledge and exercises in this book to begin achieving a unified body-mind and well-being.

As a counselor and school psychologist, I spent years reflecting with people to assist them in getting in touch with their gut feelings and to use this gut intelligence in the decision-making process. The authors' discussion of the two main functional intelligence or what they call "core competencies" of the gut brain is in essence right on target with my own findings with what people express as their inner needs experienced in their gut feelings. It is quite exciting to find that what has become clear in my own life's work with hundreds of people also validates what is written in "mBraining" about the gut brain intelligence. I thank you both, Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu, for your well-written and engaging book with such an important message of multiple brain intelligence.

Martha Love

Author of "What's Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct"


Laurie Huston

"This is one of the most powerful tools I have learned to date. It validates our Intuition through science and it empowers us to make choices from our Highest Expressions of "Compassion, Creativity and Courage". You can finally discover your Soul Purpose and develop your Intuition so that you can follow your own gentle guidance. I rarely get this excited about someone

else's work, but these guys made me want to learn as much as I could about their fascinating new work and tools!"

Laurie Huston

Certified mBIT Coach, Radio Presenter

Toronto, Canada

Sara Keenan

"A stunning process that has, and will, broaden and deepen my coaching and self work. Thank you – life changing!"

Sara Keenan

Facilitator and Coach

New Zealand

Craig Love

"A masterful combination of scientific research that backs up old knowledge, to produce a practical process that is simple, but offers a profound contribution to humanity to start expressing some wisdom before it destroys itself. We all need to do this stuff, luckily its completely natural once the program is installed.

I would add to not just buy the book, though yes do and don't delay - but also put yourself on a course to deepen it and help you get better at sharing what we are all looking for."

Craig Love

NLP Trainer

New Zealand

Cheryl Cruttenden

"mBraining has deeply affirmed my head, heart, gut approach to human development, in that each of us have our own answers within, we simply need to learn how to access that innate wisdom. mBIT has enabled me to not only step out into the world with greater courage, it has further empowered both myself and clients, in that both of us are able to engage in and leave sessions in a fully 'resourced' state every time."

Cheryl Cruttenden

Executive & Leadership Coaching With Horses
