
David Allan

"Just thought I would drop you a very big quick Thank You. As a result of reading your ground breaking book mBraining I am pleased to let you know that the insights I have gained have greatly assisted me in my practice as a Hypnotherapist. In turn my Clients have benefited enormously by understanding that their `gut feelings` are indeed real and `heart felt feelings` are not some imaginary baseless response that `should` be overridden by thoughts programmed or otherwise. mBraining’s wisdom has been truly an enlightening and powerful experience for myself and many of my thankful clients."

David Allan

Therapist, Australia


Tony Clark

“I’ve just been to an incredible 4 day seminar in Auckland -- mBraining -- ground breaking technology.”

Tony Clark

NLP Trainer

Melbourne, Aust.

Theresa Grainger

"A wonderful combination of science, behavioural modelling and techniques to explore beyond the conditioned mind and into the creative, compassionate and courageous aspects of our being, to live from the highest expression of who we are, thus generating healthier decisions in all areas of our life and our planet"

Theresa Grainger

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

Te Ruru

"Occasionally one comes across a book that constitutes a hugely significant and boundary breaking contribution to the field of human development. mBraining is such a book. Written in a conversational style, it is immediately accessible to the widest range of readers. It is also a prime example of science catching up with common knowledge that has developed over millennia of human experience. Oka and Soosalu have constructed the text in a systematic and coherent way that allows the reader to follow with ease their approach to interpreting and utilising the feedback from all three human intelligences of head, heart and brain. Not only is their system based on behavioural modelling, it is backed by evidence from many reputable neuro-science research projects. The book clearly outlines in an intelligent and ordered way, the various processes used in what the authors describe as "mBraining". This book makes sense on many levels, and is a must-read for psychologists, therapists, coaches, counsellors, consultants and all who may be interested in '...a finely tuned and aligned process that is positive, loving, creative, generative and empowered'."

Te Ruru


Christchurch, New Zealand

Natalie Ashdown

"It was an absolute privilege to attend the mBIT training course, to work with Marvin and Grant, to learn the newest technology in the world and to be able to apply the technology to high-performance in myself and the people I work with. It is a privilege to be on the leading edge of learning the capability of the three brains and I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to take their coaching skills to the next level."

Natalie Ashdown

Trainer and Executive Coach

Open Door Coaching, Australia