
Luca Iñigo Lacasa

"Reading mBraining now, so excited, it works! Ive been practicing Healing Tao for a year and studying NLP also and its making the techniques a lot easier. I'm going to start teaching my clients with anxiety disorders this amazing model."

Luca Iñigo Lacasa


Stephen Elliott

"mBraining extends notions of both brain and mind. Steven Pinker famously says that 'the mind is what the brain does'. Oka and Soosalu suggest that a greater mind is a function of a greater brain, that comprising head, heart, and hara."

Stephen Elliott

Author and Life Scientist



Stacey Ashley

"Want to know more about you, and how to live the life you're capable of? Read mBraining. This book is an easy to read, insightful exploration into what's really possible for each of us once we recognise and coherently engage our 3 brains; heart, head and gut. Compassion, Creativity and Courage, we all have them, and this book will show you how to access these Highest Expressions of your brains. Congratulations to Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu on their research into the connections between ancient wisdom teachings and modern science, and for writing this accessible book. Highly recommended."

Stacey Ashley

Master Coach


Jan Roberts

"This is an important work! When so much of our response to life is based on what our 'head' brain tells us to do, it is exciting to see the research demonstrating the power and the importance of our heart and gut brains. Get all three aligned and your life changes! This book shows you how."

Jan Roberts

Author, Pharmacist & Clinical Nutritionist


Emir and Samantha Krajina

"This book has not only changed our lives, but has changed the lives of our clients and all of those around us. We have implemented mBIT into our everyday lives and right throughout our own trainings and coaching in relationships. As Relationship Coaches, we found that we are able to be more effective in such a short timeframe using the skills and techniques of mBraining. Our clients have nothing but praise for mBIT and the eye-opening skills it teaches you through the likes of NLP, NeuroScience and the genius of the authors!"

Emir and Samantha Krajina

Relationship Coaches, Australia
