
Thomas Sullivan

"The first handbook to the future of the comprehensive grasp of intelligence and how to integrate conscious mastery of our potential, mBraining is essential reading. Hope it gets recognized for what it is. Exciting revelations and ingenious work, guys!"

Thomas Sullivan

Pulitzer nominated author

Minnesota, USA

David Parry

"Never before has a book gripped me so - from the first chapter, I have been engaged, fascinated and engrossed in equal measure – my head, heart and gut tell me so!"

David Parry

NLP Trainer

Wrexham, UK

Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Henwood

"Wow! What a roller coaster ... I have a wonderful picture of me emerging from a huge rock - a solid and safe rock that had been building around me for as long as I can remember - a rock of who I was supposed to be and who people had told me I was - yet the longer time went on the heavier the rock got and the harder it was to break out from it. Grant just put a stick of dynamite right at the core in an open frame session at the four day coach training with communications plus this weekend in Auckland. The layers and chunks of rocks just fell away - and 'I' emerged. And because the rocks and weight have gone - I can move and dance. Am loving it and feel like I am just starting to live as me - who I was created to be. Like learning to walk again all over again - I expect to stumble and fall occasionally - I am sure it will take time to get to know 'me' in a whole new way - but what a gift - thank you."

Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Henwood

NLP Trainer, New Zealand

Sarah Hamburger

"This book is a must read for both coaches and individuals. It has made a profound difference to both my knowledge of the body and brains as well as how I approach coaching. It is incredibly well researched and referenced, there are lots of practical exercises to help you understand the theories and it is full of ideas as to how it can be applied.

Grant and Marvin have taken the latest thinking in neuro-science and found a way to make it both easy to understand and practical to use. If you only read one book this year, this should be it!"

Sarah Hamburger

Elite Sports Coach, NZ

Mary O'Malley

"If you want to be inspired by amazing and easily accessible facts from the leading edge of science; if you want access to the vast fields of intelligence within you; if you want to tap into the wisdom of each of your 3 brains (that’s right – 3!), mBraining is a book for you. I went away for a week of silence a couple of weeks ago and took this book. I was absolutely fascinated by it and have shared much of it with my community. Thank you, Grant and Marvin, so much for writing such an insightful, inspiring and healing book!"

Best Selling Author

www.maryomalley.com, USA