

"This is a great book! Clear, full of energy and I loved it cause it's a clue for personal evolution!"



Heather-Jan Gray

"As a Health Practitioner & Executive Coach I've had a long standing interest in how NLP, Mindfulness & the new advances in Neuroscience can help us all achieve sustained Health & Wellbeing. This integrated & innovative program explores the compassionate, creative & courageous aspects of 'being' - enabling us to enjoy life to the full & also enable others to do the same."

Heather-Jan Gray

Chief Executive www.synergy-global.com


Margot van Cingel

"I did my mBIT training a few weeks ago. WOW! I feel that I am speaking from my gut and heart in a much more congruent way - congruent with my head! FANTASTIC! My voice still resonates from my gut and close friends have noticed the change as well.

I now use mBIT and breathing with all my NLP clients. I teach the breathing now as a pre-requisite to every session! It makes such a difference to my clients' state. From a balanced ANS almost anything is possible. Fabulous!"

Margot van Cingel

NLP Master Practitioner

New Zealand

Paula Powell

"Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu are at the leading edge of the wave that is insistently bringing science and ancient wisdom together in a powerful synergy. Modern Humans exist in a “head brain” dominated world; increasingly we are finding this dissatisfying, unrewarding and unsustainable. mBraining is one of the technologies of the 21st century that can help us live the more balanced, rewarding and sustainable lives that we crave.

mBraining and the mBIT techniques are subtle, elegant and powerful. The training, for me, was at times filled with “big words travelling at the speed of light” yet the exercises transformed the science into simple body/mind experience – profound and undeniable, then a deeper understanding of the technical terms emerged for me.

I am grateful to Marvin and Grant for their dedication in bringing this body of work together, and for packaging it in such a way that is very easy to use and adapt."

Paula Powell

NLP Trainer

New Zealand

Glenn Sinclair

"I am immediately impressed by how the authors Grant and Marvin take the reader by the hand, guiding us on a journey into ourselves, and that is into our many tangible selves, integrating them, making them available to work as a team (self as team = self esteem) so that we take our power back from an external world and return to our inner power. I say loud and clear, get this book you deserve it, your family deserves the new you, and your children ( if you have any) or partner deserves what you can share with them from this book on how you will do your mBraining with this new technology. It will be right here in your hands now when you buy it. Just do it, love yourself enough to do this."

Glenn Sinclair

NLP Master Practitioner

Victoria, Australia