
David McCombe

"If you are looking for up to date information to gain knowledge, practical ways to change, feel better and experience more in your life, this book is for you. Buy it, read it, do the exercises, enjoy the experiences and leverage the insights. This is a book that extends our understanding of human processes and the resulting subjective experiences."

David McCombe

Senior Project Manager

Melbourne, Australia

Jan Marsh

"The insights of mBraining really do shine a brilliant light on the existence of head, heart and gut brains and why we associate and express our experiences via these channels. The major revelation of this innovative and well researched book is in explaining the relevance of these brains to our creativity, courage and compassion and how to harness and align the power and potential that is inherent in the human body . A must read addition to anyone interested in expanding their horizons and making the most of life and living."

Jan Marsh

Training Developer & Writer

Auckland, NZ


"As a sufferer of anxiety, this book is a fantastic tool to get the brains in order. It is a great read and the practical exercises are...well in my case....a relief. Life is so busy and we are all rushing around. This book will give your brains and information to enhance your being. Well done to the authors for such terrific research."



Liz Anderson-Smith

"Experiencing the mBIT skills was life changing for me. I now have the toolkit to take away and continue working magic both for myself and others. The most transformational workshop I’ve ever attended. Thank you!"

Liz Anderson-Smith

Trainer, NewZealand

Yvette Hughes

"mBraining: one of the greatest gifts to mankind’s evolution in the 21st century. I found mBraining to be such an enjoyable easy book to read and to understand and I believe it is suitable for anyone wanting to create generative change for themselves, their family/team, or their organisation. Furthermore to nurture the foundations and growth of this evolutionary approach to generative growth, Oka and Soosalu, have designed mBIT Certified Coach training for coaches passionate about working with their clients in a way that supports the client to experience generative sustainable change beyond the coaching program and mBIT is the best coach training I have ever participated in as it really did get to the Heart, Head and Gut of living an integrated healthier wiser lifestyle.

However mBraining is so much more than a book or personal and professional development tool, it is a healthier way of living for us all. Yet what I found truly remarkable, as well as being a refreshingly enriching experience, is the honour and integrity with which the founders of mBraining are sharing their knowledge, hope, and techniques with the world and that makes it even more enjoyable. I am forever grateful to Grant & Marvin for the gift bestowed upon me as a human-being and as a mBIT coach to be part of a collective consciousness that lives wisely from my Highest Expression to enhance the experience of life for all. Thank you for what you have gifted to us all and in your words - Evolve your World!"

Yvette Hughes

Professional Coach, Actum – Liberate your Spirit