
Faisal Gazi

"Really, really enjoyed your book. I have been implementing some of the practices that have been recommended. What can I say - it has been transformative."

Faisal Gazi

London, UK

Karyn Davis

"What a RIDE! mBraining a whole old/yet new concept opens up flow that is normally only Dreamt of… If you want to know more.... Well I can tell you... But only if you want to know..."

Karyn Davis

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

Karen McCallum

“We can change the world by being all we are...I'm excited with the interconnected synergy of NLP, mind-body-soul Integral Health, Positive Psychology, Spiritual philosophies, HeartMath, Neuroscience...mBraining is another critical piece in the puzzle toward wholeness, happiness and health. Thanks so much for creating a collective open, safe and generative space.”

Karen McCallum

NLP Trainer

Auckland, NZ

Stephanie Philp

"The depth and significance of the research that Grant and Marvin have undertaken is astounding and opens up a whole new, and very natural way of working with people that's previously been overlooked. Logically it makes sense, my gut feel – this is just the beginning of increasing possibilities and my heart feels lighter and more expanded with this knowledge. Thank you."

Stephanie Philp

NLP Trainer

Raglan, NZ

Robyn Laurie

“mBIT is something special for the world which will have lasting impacts as we all know. “It is a full body explosion, that integrates the head, heart and gut intelligences. It’s about really listening, feeling, sensing and hearing these intelligences interrelating with you. mBIT helps to realign that core you. Having experienced the mBIT techniques – it’s extreme body and brains magic!”

Robyn Laurie

NLP Trainer

Wellington, NZ